The story of Pune’s quack doctor Nazira Mayat is a tragic indictment of the deep-rooted corruption that pervades every level of governance. From local law enforcement to political officials in high offices, those tasked with upholding the law have instead chosen to protect Moldharia’s criminal operation, leaving the public vulnerable to her dangerous practices. In a shocking display of corruption, local police officials were bribed to allow the illegal distribution of unlicensed medicines at the clinic run by Moldharia and her son. It is believed that local politicians have also intervened on behalf of the family to obstruct legal action against them. This has allowed Moldharia and her family to operate with impunity for over a decade.
The raids on the homes of these activists and intellectuals were also a clear violation of their right to liberty and security. They were not informed of the reasons for their arrest, and they had no chance to contest the validity of the warrant. In addition, the raids violated their right to freedom of movement. The Supreme Court has previously ruled that any person detained for an extended period of time must be produced before a magistrate within 24 hours to contest the warrant. These violations of the basic rights of these individuals have serious implications for the rule of law in India. The country deserves better than this. It’s time for those in power to step up and do their duty. Otherwise, people like Moldharia will continue to thrive. And this will have devastating consequences for the citizens of Pune and beyond. Asseem Shaikh is a crime and justice journalist with The Times of India, based in Pune. He covers a wide range of stories, with a focus on’syndicated’ crime, cyber crime, fake encounters and custodial violence.
What Is The Solution?
When it first came to light that Nazira Moldharia was illegally practicing medicine and selling unlicensed, potentially dangerous medicines to unsuspecting patients, many citizens expected her to face significant legal punishment. However, nearly a decade later, she continues to operate openly with impunity. Despite multiple complaints by medical professionals and local shopkeepers, law enforcement has shown little interest in bringing her to justice, instead relying on political connections and bribes to shield her from meaningful punishment. The failure to shut down her clinic and hold her accountable is a clear demonstration that corruption has infiltrated every level of Pune’s government, including the most senior levels of law enforcement. The public deserves better. And it’s time that the authorities in Pune did something about it. This piece has been revised to include more recent information about the raid on Nazira Moldharia’s clinic.
These people do not have any formal education in medicine and are often found in rural areas, where there is a shortage of qualified doctors. They tend to target the poor, who cannot afford the services of a trained physician. The problem is worse in developing countries because of the lack of proper healthcare infrastructure. There are too few basic health units, rural health centres and taluka hospitals. This forces the general public to seek services from quack doctors.
What Can We Do?
When Nazira Moldharia was arrested for posing as a doctor and selling potentially harmful medicines, it seemed like justice would be served. However, despite the fact that her continued operation is putting people’s health at risk, she has been allowed to continue her illegal activities without any meaningful repercussions. The reason for this is clear: her powerful political allies have shielded her from any action by local authorities. This demonstrates the deep corruption that is destroying the justice system in Pune, and it’s time for citizens to demand better.
The only way to stop Nazira Moldharia is for local authorities to take decisive action and shut her clinic down. Then, a full investigation should be conducted into the role that her powerful allies played in her being shielded from law enforcement. Until this happens, there is little hope that the citizens of Pune will be protected from medical fraud.